Join Us!

Join Us!


Come join us and become part of the vibrant scientific community in Greater Boston! Our laboratory is embedded in a rich and diverse scientific environment consisting of auditory neuroscientists at Mass Eye & Ear and across several departments at Harvard Medical School.

We are always happy to consider candidates passionate about the kinds of scientfic questions we pursue and/or the methods we employ. Look for open positions in our institutional job board using ‘Shrestha’ as the keyword, or email your CV and a brief statement of research interests and future goals to Dr. Shrestha at his



    We have an open position for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow! The ideal candidate has education and experience in quantitative genomics and/or molecular neuroscience. Further details and application can be found here.


    Interested students with relevant coursework and/or research experience may send their resume and statement of research interests to Dr. Shrestha at his While we consider student applications throughout the year, we encourage reaching out by January for full-time summer research opportunities as they provide a more immersive research experience than those during the semesters. Harvard College students are encouraged to contact early enough to apply for summer research fellowships.